Friday, June 1, 2007

Pre-Wedding Jitters - Way Too Late

Well, I did it. I slept for an entire night (with the help of some Tylenol PM), with no children hopping into my bed. In fact, I didn't even see a child at all until about 6:45, by which time I'd already bathed and dressed myself.

So why don't I feel happy and bouncy?

I'm thinking it's this giant cloud that's following me around. I'm going to have to do something about my home life, and I don't wanna. So, I guess, do I really have to? I mean what's really wrong in having a roommate that you trust with your children? Of course, usually roommates pay for their share of the living space, but that's another gripe...

Tomorrow is our anniversary. I don't feel much like "celebrating" this marriage. That's pretty telling, isn't it?


alienbody said...

Pretty telling, indeed.

Chickenbells said...

Oh yes...a large heads up on that one...I'm sorry sweetie.

Anonymous said...

How will your children know true love if they've never seen it?