Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm a Whore

It's true. I'd like to go on record now as claiming through no fault of my own, the Public Library has made me a whore. I was happily content reading Eat, Pray Love, when lo and behold, the Library (heretofore known as my dealer) tells me to pick up my books and read them or else I'll lose them!

As I only have a limited time with the ones from the Library, and Eat, Pray, Love is on an indefinite loan from a friend, I've had to switch over. I finished the "Eat" section, and was getting ready to move with the author to India, but alas... I cannot.

Instead I'm now reading "Play Dirty", and while I'm not too far along, so far all I know is that an ex-football Quarterback, who was just released from prison was asked to sleep with a very wealthy man's wife (by the wealthy man) in order to impregnate her.

How come this shit never happens to me?

1 comment:

alienbody said...

Cause you can't get anyone preggers! You lack the appendage that makes it possible. Sheesh...I'm smartified now, I can tell you all kinds of stuff! :-p

I can't believe you abandoned Eat, Pray, Love! You know, you CAN leave the books at the library. They'll just get re-absorbed into the abyss and you can order them again. See...aren't I helpful?